Sunday, June 24, 2007

American medical system is the leading cause of death in the US

When I wrote about medical treatment in United States, I was little hesitate to write about that, but I am glad I wrote that and it has been proved now. Check this article. The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. I think most of the death are done by irregularity and careless in the medical treatment. Or entire medical industry is motivated by only one thing "PROFIT" and due to lobby in Government now it is out of control. Doctors are there for money not because they care, they look into insurance before treatment, covered or not, how the patient health and so on. How can they work well, if they have to work 18 hour continuously? Pharmacist never talk to you.

At the contrary, our medical industry are also responsible for the long life of the mankind. Due to such innovation in the treatment.

Every medicine you take there is some effect which cause known and unknown reaction in the body ( likely if you take multiple pills).

I think still better to consider Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Chinese Traditional Medicine. Being said that you cannot use this for Bypass Surgery or other Life Threatening Emergencies.

Good Luck.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Execuses for the Jury Duty

I had to go to jury duty last week, thought its ok to serve country you lived in. There are around 100 people selected for this case. Everything was cool until Judge said that this trial will last 6 weeks. Immediately most of us shocked with that news and I can imagine everyone's mind has only one question. How can I avoid this? This days to claim financial hardship is very difficult for excuse. I saw Judge rejected few of them.

They gave us intial questionnaire to fill out. If you want to avoid jury duty you should be careful what you are writing there, neither you can write wrong/false information as you are under oath. But there are few question which try to measure your openion and view. I think you can use your writing skill there. Use the words that says you hate justice system, law are made for rich and corporate, lawyer can prove anything, witness can be baught etc. Mention that I am aware of the law suite that is related to this one. I did my best to express how I hate lawyer and justice system. But was not sure it will work. I have to wait until interview next day.

Next day, they called me says you finished your jury duty, I think those answers works. I relaxed as my job do not pay more than 2 week of service. But what if they call me for interview? I was prepared for that. I have to do a little role play, show some acting that I never did. This are the few thing you can do:

  1. Tell them that you exercise the independend judgement, I have my strong openion which is hard to change.
  2. Tell them you are biased, if it is lawsuite claiming money, you can say all corporate are cheater they cheat their employee and customers to pocket money by lying and wrong doing. Remeber merk, philip moris, enron etc. If it is criminal murder case then say they should be punished to death penalty.
  3. Use the phrase like jury nullification means everything in the lawsuite are right but its not suppose to be in my openion so I ignore those true fact and decided guilty based on what I think. This is powerful phrase to get out of this.

It is so funny that in a civil law suite case, both side make money Corporate by wrong doing and consumer for asking excessive money. But the people who judge get $15/day (oouch) and lawyer $15/min (wow) and they want best from jury. America is all about lawsuite where everyone is suing everyone to get money, and its easy to do so.

I am sure above will work. Good luck.