Saturday, September 15, 2018

Pride of having Daughter

Dear Dad,

I say these words because out of every helping hand I have received, yours was the most impactful. Out of every compliment I have received, yours was the most meaningful. It always seems like you receive the least amount of credit and praise for all you that you do and all that you give me and Raj. But I want you to know that it never goes unnoticeable. Whenever I call for you, you are ready to step in to help. You have put me before yourself for the past 20 years in hopes to teach me life lessons. By putting me in the center of your world, you have given me everything, but now it is time that that light shines on who are you are.

In our Desi culture, men don’t generally wish and pray for a daughter to come into their lives, but you prayed. You wanted a daughter to protect and care for from the very start. It is clear that this true. Whenever I’m upset or hurt, you are full of empathy. And whenever I smile and laugh, you become the happiest man. And, when you’re mad at me...well, you can’t stay mad at me for long. 20 years ago when I was born, little did I know I was born to the most loving father.

Many say that daughters are the exact replica of their mothers, but it was different for us. Even others would say I am the female version of you with all the good and the bad. But this is because just by being yourself, you have shown me what I should be. In this way, from the very start you have been my role model, but I didn’t realize that until more recently. Fathers teach daughters many lessons about what it means to truly love and experience this life. You have shown me that love endures through hardships by sticking by me through the worst of times. You have taught me to be strong enough to face challenges. You have shown me the meaning of hard work and that it always pays off. You have taught me how to be understanding, compassionate, and, most importantly, happy.

You are not perfect, but even with the bad you have taught me lessons and molded me. Dependable and trustworthy father figures are rare today so I am blessed enough to be graced, I feel the strength of that presence. You watched me get my heart broken, my first accident and the many times I’ve fallen. Just to tell me to get up and move on with life because life doesn’t wait for us. Those images are engraved into my memory and transferred into my heart as I grow to be a woman. I have learned to love the way I was loved by you.

To raise a daughter in Western culture, that is so very different from your own is not easy. But you have done it well. While being open to western culture, you have still made a point to instill important values and beliefs in me that you have grown up with. Though these two cultures are so different, you created a balance between them when teaching me life lessons. This has given me perspective and a worldly view, giving me the chance to decide for myself what I should believe. I know I have put you through hell for not always agreeing with you, but thank you for always loving me the same no matter what.

You are the first man I have ever loved. You held me, played with me, supported me and let me grow. You gave me all I could have ever needed because you gave me a father’s love. By giving me or not giving me certain things you have taught me what love is and also what it isn’t. You showed me that it’s important to be strong, humble, classy and taught me to love myself enough to reach for any star I lay my eyes on.

So I can’t appreciate you enough for all that you have done for me. You’ve helped me pick books to read and classes to take. You have held my hand as I took my first steps as I plan to hold yours when you need my help to walk. And you’ve helped me understand that life is so much more than I could have ever thought.  I know that in my heart there is no love like the first love. I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always be by your side fighting every battle because a big part of me will always belong to you whether it is because of the blood we share or the piece of your heart that you have blessed me with 20 years ago. I love you so much.  Happy Birthday, Dad.

With greatest love,