Sunday, March 02, 2008

How to live your life?

This post is inspiration from the last lecture of Prof. Randy Pausch. He recorded this session because it was his last lecture of life and he want his kids to see this lecture, if you have not listen to him here it is:

10 min version

Full version.

Here is the main points of this lecture, some of the philosophy is same as Swami Vivekanand's, but to listen from the person who knew, he is going to die, that's make it different.

  1. Its ok to dream, let your child dream what they want to be or to do. Never loose the spirit. Vivekanand also said Set the goal, and do not sleep until you reach it.
  2. Its ok if someone tell you that you are not doing good, that means the person care about you. If you do a bad job and nobody point out then it means they given out of you, but if they do it, means they care you better.
  3. While archiving your goal there could be a lot of rejection. Rejection is good. The brick wall that you see on your way is for reason. They are not to keep us out, they are there to give us a way to show how much we wanted. So they are there to find how badly we wanted. This illustrate the same philosophy of Swami Vivekanand. Here is the small illustration that I remeber for a long time now. One day he went to his Guru (Ramkrishna Parmanhans) and said there is no God in the real world. His Guru, take him to the Ganga River, and then told him to jump on the river. He does not know how to swim. He jumped on the River, Guru also jumped. Then his Guru keep pushing him down, so he won't come out of water. After some time he pulled him out. Then his Guru said to him, Listen if you want to achieve the God, you have to do the same effort that you did when you were in the water to come out.
  4. Have a fun all the time. Mother are the people who loves you when you pull her hair. Its important for a kids to have a good parent. Let kid do whatever they want. It could be anything. The creativity of kids is more important than any other thing. Never underestimate the result of fun.
  5. Don't let other to felt bad or guilty, just because you don't like it. He gave a very good example of kids throw out when they were sick, in his new car.
  6. If you want to achieve your dream, and live with integrity then always tell the truth. Secondly, always apologize. Apology has three part: Sorry, its my fault and how do I make it better. Most of the people forget the last part in the apology.
  7. Another point is my favorite, No body is evil, its your thought that makes other Good or Evil. Give some time on the people you don't like, do not give up, they will show you their good side. This always works.
  8. Do not complain or whine, because simply it does not solve the problem. Just work harder. If you complain it, then it divert your force away from your work, which makes you fail. So do not spend time in complaining.
  9. If you live properly, as mention above, then the dream will come to you.

Click here to see latest on his health.

God bless him.

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