Monday, June 26, 2006

Biggest Merger Bill Gates and Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet has decided to give more than 80 percent of his $44 billion fortune to charity. Most of the money -- about $30 billion -- will go to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve world health and fight poverty. This news comes after Bill Gates decided to retire and dedicate his rest of life for their foundation.

I would simply call this is the biggest merger of this century. Top two rich person decided to work for charity jointly. This clearly tells that after you got money, fame, power you go back to the state where you don't need any of this (money,fame, power).

Now I really admire Bill and Warren in their dedication of fighting health in the world. I think this is most important event for the mankind.

The best quote from Warren I like most is "I still believe in the philosophy that a very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything but not enough to do nothing."

This is great example of leadership and capitalism at best. This stunning contribution is ego-less as all work done will be credited to Bill and Melinda Gates, eventhough Buffet has his own foundation.

When I was in the primary school we have a story of Tao (from china) who gave everything (just one copper coin) she has to build the statue of Buddha, now a day Tao is paryed as a God in community. To me this is same as Tao did centuries back, and I am sure Buffet will be remembered forever.

Thank you Mr. Buffett for showing you can remain a good and decent human being and still acheive your goals.

Thats the way to go. Bravo!!

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