Thursday, July 20, 2006

Few lessons for life

Last week I was in Canada as a part of Oracle Club Excellence, and I am fortunate to listen the speech of Jaime Clarke through business session. He is a mountaineer and climbed Mt Everest Summit in 1997.

During his speech, he talk lot about how you can achieve the goal that you set. He talk about fear, and how to handle those, how to learn from past experience. How not to give up with your goal etc.

Some of his demo presentation I found in his website, if you are interested visit him at

earlier this year, I also learned about Sir Ed Hillary, I read his interview and following I found is thoughtful.

"I really like to enjoy my adventures. I get frightened to death on many, many occasions but, of course, fear can be, also, a stimulating factor. When you're afraid, the blood surges in the veins and so on. If you get rigid through fear, quite obviously, fear is not a very satisfactory characteristic to have, but if it's a stimulating factor, then I think you can often extend yourself far more than you ever believed possible. And instead of being just a mediocre person, for a moment anyway, you become someone of considerable competence. "

that's all for now.

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