Monday, August 21, 2006

Green Energy

Don't be surprised, if you hear a lot about Green Energy in this century.

China has planned to invest $250 Billion over 10 year, you heard right, 250B, for finding alternative energy source. With this amount they can buy a company like BP and have oil free for next 25years. But they are looking beyond that. I think it will go towarard ethanol.

Today Bajaj announced plant to invest $500M for ethanol in Brazil. This are the growing country and they realized that the energy demand is much more higher going forward, and this is right to to make some investment there.

Today, in California, Arnold passes a biggest bill in US to plan solar energy in the state. Under new law Home Builder must give option to home buyer to install solar panel in the house by 2010.

Finaly, we realized the need of energy is important and start making step toward that.

Let see how it goes.

1 comment:

Umesh Patel said...

Today Toll Brother announce result, here is the summary. TOLL are trying to move inventory by offering large incentives and discounts; anxious buyers are creating more speculators; overhang in supply and the aggressive discounting of many builders is undermining consumer confidence as they continue to worry about the direction of home prices... co is reducing their land position in current environment... Q4 Outlook: Q4 expects to deliver 2500-2800 homes expect the average delivered price to be between $695K-705K... expect GM will be approximately 22% of sales; SG&A will be 8.5-8.7% of total revenues... for 2007 expect to deliver $7-8K at avg delivery price of $635K-645K... expect land sales to be approx $5 mln for the year... notes they have more selling communities available; says mix is slightly higher than the multi-family mix... asked why they are giving 2007 unit guidance and not EPS guidance: co says they will provide that on Q4 call; analyst is a bit combative asking why they know all these numbers and can not provide guidance; co simply says still some factors that are not yet known... co says that of the 18% cancelation rate, Orlando was a significant number... markets that have possibly bottomed out: Co says that they do not see any forming a bottom at the present time; notes that Texas market has been doing well; says Phoenix has not been doing as poorly for the co as they have seen in other co's but still don't see a positive turnaround; Las Vegas has gotten worse in the last three months... co does not believe that anyone in industry is slowing down communities that are about to open... have approx 82K lots and could continue to build $7-9K lots per year w/out any additional investment; says if they have an opportunity today that they believe is good they would invest; expects to see fewer opportunities going forward... in 2007 co expects to increase in inventory count, because of this expect inventory levels to be higher a year from now... co expects Q4 inventories to be higher based on community openings... Materials: lumber is down y/y; copper, concrete, and dry wall are up slightly this quarter; notes copper was up the largest however they are not using as much anymore...