Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Medical Treatment in US

Most of the people on the other side of this country thinks that the Medical Treatment is best in the United States. I simple hope they are true. While I notices that there are lot of new technology/computers they used in medical treatment, there is a pros and cons of them.

Nowadays, in the hospitals, all goes by number generated by digital instruments for the test of Blood Suger, Blood Pressure, Heart beats, Cholestrol level, Fever etc. They even don't bother to look at the other sympotoms which is critical and use this as a reliable instumensts which is not IMO. Doctor just look at the Reports generated by RNs rather than on looking at the patient. And yes, doctor need more administrative skill (70%) than the medical skill, except for the surgon I guess. Most of the medical works done by the nurses and doctors give the orders. They need to know more about insurance and paper works. And their treatment is based on your medical insurance.

I have also noticed that sometime doctor give order over the phone by chating with the nurse. Hmmm this sound familer. Do Doctor have to worry about their job can outsource? You bet! It can be done either by do consultation over the phone or by simple patient going to other country to do the medical procedures as it is so much costly here. Some of the Medical Facilities has already tried first option. You have to pay $35 for consultation over the phone compared to over $100 personally. The medical facility that I go they already doing this over the email, yes that is consultation with doctor through email, and it is so much cheap ie $65/year.

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