Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New World Cup Cricket playing rules needed

The 2007 Cricket World Cup has no excitement (atleast for 1 Bil+ people) as two main country (India and Pakistan) was out of the world cup very early. Both team not qualified based on the judgement of one damn game. Is it fair? Not really, as cricket is a game of chance. Last worldcup South Africa was out and Kenya was into the Super Six, this time, we saw Bangladesh and Ireland are in Super Eight.

In this world cup i.e 2007, you will see top 4 strong team will come into semi final. Nice. But Semi-final and Final is again the game of chance, one bad decision, good catch, or bad luck, or rain screw the champion out of the tournament easily. This is repatedly happens in the world cup so far.

ICC should re-think the Rules and Regulation the way world cup will plays. The existing model works perfectly for other sports but it is just not right for the Cricket.

Here is what I think they should do:

Pre Qualification Round:
Goal : Pick one team from ICC ranking of 11 and above
Five Teams : Bermuda, Canada, Netherland, Ireland, Scottland
Matches : Every Team play with every team
Total Matches: 10
Result: Those who win/point more will Qualify for World Cup First round.

First Round:
Goal: Pick one team from the team of ICC ranking of 8 and above
Four Teams: Most Probable Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Kenya and one from Pre Qualification Round
Matches : Every teams play with every team
Total Matches: 6
Result : Pick one with more win/points

Prequalify and First Round will prevent lot of one day record to be broken like India did with Bermuda and RSA with Scottland. This was done in first three worldcups.

Second Round or Super 8 Round:
Goal: Pick Four Teams for semi finals
Teams : All the team with ICC ranking from 1 to 7 and Winner of First Round, so total eight.
Matches: Every team play with every team
Total Matches: 28
Result: Pick top 4 team based on wins/points.

Semi-Final Round:
Goal: To pick top two teams for final.
Teams: Top four team from the second round
Matches: Play again with everyone
Total Matches: 6
Result: Top two team go to Final Round:

Comment: They are the strongest as they played with each of them.

Final Round:
Goal: Champion Trophy
Teams: Top two from semi final round
Matches: Three matches with each other
Total Matches: 3
Result: Best of three is champion
Comment: Same model Australia use in their Summer Triangular Series.

Total Matches: 53 (Just like last two world cup)

I hope they (ICC) get it at some point before next world cup.

Anywas this is my prediction for this worldcup

Semi Finalist
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. RSA
4. Sri Lanka

Final : Australia & RSA

Winner: Australia

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