Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Enough is enough.

Ok. I copied the title from the blog from Mr. Bill Gross. I am a fan of him and was reading his post.

It is very interesting what he said : Rich did not get rich through plack and smart, they get rich by taking risk with other people money and low taxes. Warren Buffet only pay 18% tax and keep no tax planner. He further said most of them achived through the capitalism, encouraged innovation and globalization. Today's rich is going too far. I think they went way more in terms of wrong doing such as accounting fraud, insider information, false statements, manipulate the system, etc.

He pointed out that when the rich became richer and miidle/lower class are struggling then the system ultimately break down. It is enough and it is time to raise the tax for the Rich. Especially when the Rich are draining the money by having multiple vacation home, private plane, million dollar birthday party, inhertiance for the grand kids, ego centric donation to concert hall and art museum. On the other hand, US goverment is in deficit affecting millions of innocent household.

Isn't it enough.?

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