Sunday, March 16, 2008

US Treasury is not safest investment in the world anymore.

Over the decades, US Treasury Bond is the most safest investment in the world by far. And that is the reason Japan and China hold 50% together of our debt.

For a two days in the last week, the Treasury Bond is loosing the ground against the German Bond. This was due to the fact that Fed Reserver Bank has announced that they will pump up $200B dollar US Treasury into the system in exchange of MBS based security and for 28 days. Wow. Fed never took this debt obligation before and not for that many days.

This means that Fed want to bail out some few wall street company such as Bear Sterns which is going to bankrupt anyway.

With this news, Dollar and Treasury both lowered. Some people are speculating that US Debt obligation are too much now, (approx $9 Trillion), that US may not able to pay off and may default on it. So China and Japan should worry about it!!! LOL

There was Tech Bubble and it burst , and lot of company went bankrupt and people lost job and money, Silicon Valley was mainly affected, and now we are facing Credit Bubble or Credit Crunch, where lot of company like Countrywide, Bear Stern, and not to mention this hedge fund will go bankrupt, unless someone rescued them, and New York is facing similar problem. First time ever I saw that rich people are feeling the bleeding.

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