Monday, September 01, 2008

Yet another browser

We have one more browser available to consumer, most probably starting Sep 2, 2008. This one is from Internet Giant Google, the project Chrome was going on for a long time and it has several rumors in the past about it. But this time it is official.

They have introduced it with the comic book, an easily book to read by anyone. Here is the book if you want to see. Chrome has a lot of features better than Internet Explorer 8 Beta, which Microsoft is working on. I love the innovation and competition. One can expect the browser could be very fast, easy to use, easy enough for grandpa, so they click on Google Ad. One feature about privacy is "incognito window", allows user to browse but nothing in this window will be logged into the computer. This feature will help tremendously in Library and public computer.

Reading this comic book about Google Chrome make me exciting about this new browser. First, big kudos to Scott McCloud, a cartoonist, who done a fantastic job of illustrating the concepts around modern browser design and engineering.

Final verdict will be tomorrow.

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