Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Myths about Media and Marketing

Both media and marketing has one thing in common - they guide the consumer in wrong direction. And both of them are powerful.

1. Media- It is a myth that whatever comes in news it is true. Any media whether is it TV News, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, they divert your attention the way they like. This is so powerful that Obama bought TV time to give his speech and vision. It almost like you loose the freedom. Couple of months back every media was talking about inflation, now no one is talking anymore. 30% of Texan believe that Obama is Muslim. No one know the name of the person who was involved in Oklahoma bombing but everyone knows Bin Laden. They drive us in terms of what we need to know. They like to make story of any give event - so they become popular and sell more advertisement. They will tell that Wine is healthy based on some research, but they never tell you who sponsor that research. Be very careful what your watch, read and listen.

2. Advertisement - The myth for this is - everything they ask to buy we need that. We are so much abused with the advertisement and we don't know we are abused. We are like hostage monkey who they control the way they want. They make you buy the stuff that you never need in the first place. And if you want one they will sell you two. Remember buy one get one free. For example, Nike make the advertisement like if you do not buy Nike shoes your leg will worn off. You would go to big and fancy houses and pretend this is how the average American lived. Advertisement bring the revolution in the society. I mean it change the society the way they live. It change the life style. Corporate America spends 15% of their revenue in Marketing and Advertisement.Think before taking any action based on advertisement.

We as a consumer need to be smarter than we are.

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