Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another Y2K ?

Did you remember Y2K problem and how people was worried about what's going to happen on 31-Dec-2000. Well, here it comes again. Energy Department has changed the Day Light Saving time dates. Beginning in 2007, the United States and Canada will extend Daylight Saving Time by three weeks in the Spring and one week in the Fall. Daylight Saving Time will begin the second Sunday in March and end the first Sunday in November. Previously, Daylight Saving Time began the first Sunday in April and ended the last Sunday in October

Read here full story.

During 2000, It was really funny when you saw few people taking action, some went to the top of the hill where there is no computer network etc, some go to country side, some fly out to third world and so on.

On 1 Jan 2001, we noticed that nothing happenend.

Now here it comes again, media has not focused this yet, but its getting heat now and people are worrying about it again. This time is good for IT Professional as many of them getting contract to work on resolving this issue.

To me its nothing much again, it just a time that need to change accordingly.

Good Luck.

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