Monday, January 01, 2007

The conspiracy theory of 9/11 attack

There are few people out there who belives the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) was in the Businessman (Larry Silverstone) and/or Government (Guess who? ) interest.

I found tons of website and videos over the internet floating around, with different theory. There are certain facts (not conclusion) I want to list here.

1. Larry Silverstone (LS) build 47 Stories WTC 7 in 1980. (He bid it and won to lease and build)
2. In 1987, stock market crashed, and due to this, there was lot of vacancy, so NY/NJ Port of Authority (PA) who own WTC Buildings and LS was loosing the money, so in 1995 , Mayor and PA decided to lease for 99 year the lease process begun in 2000.
3. In Jan 2001, LS bid for it for 3.2B, first he outbid by 50M, but then other party withdrew it (hmmm why?) . So eventually LS got it in Jul 2001.
4. Since management changed, a new security contaract has been given to company, whose member Board of Director was Brother (guess).
5. There was a power outage (9/8 and 9/9), so no security camera/checking was availble for 48 hours, according to the employee of one of the company. Can something happen here? Read more here
6. CIA warns government about possible attack.
7. On 9/11, every one know what happen right? Twin Tower crashed. But may be few including me does not know that WTC-7 was crashed later in the evening, there was no jet crash on that building and it collapsed like Twin Tower.
8. Many Gov Agency ask to try to investigate but no access was given, after long time they gave that access. One of them was NIST, here is there latest conclusion.
9. LS in the interview on PBS says : "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." What "pull it" means ? either building or fireworker, he later said he was referring fireworker. (who belives?)

Now look at the possible benefits.

1. LS who put only 14M his money (out of 3.2B) to lease WTC walk away with 5B from 9 insurer. He has to pay only 102M/Year to PA. And now he has a right to build a building.
2. US War: it cost us 355B so far cost to us as a taxpayer means income to someone. Other cost is uncountable such a death of 3000 soldiers and 6000 civilian in WTC.
3. Senior Bush repeatedly said that he regret Saddam is still in power. It is just one unfinished business. Well on last day of 2006 Saddam is now resting (click to watch execution).
4. LS give right back to PA to build Freedom Tower, who got funding through $8B Liberty Bond.

Many people has a mixed openion.

Whatever it happened it was unforgettable Tregedy.

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