Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Historic Election in 21st Century

Let’s be clear: Barack Obama may indeed be different from most politicians. Not only will he be the first African-American nominee of a major U.S. political party, but also he is truly gifted with rare communications skills and charisma. Obama brought out millions of new voters — most black, white liberals and young — attracted by his persona, his calls for change and rated as the most liberal in the U.S. Senate for 2007.

I think the new voters he inspired in the primaries will go to the polls in November, and will offset any weakness among the white working class. Historically Black never come this far, but I think that history does not always predict the future. The other reason possible he could win is -- Bush’s legacy may be that he turned so many against voting Republican. I think most folks realize our county cannot handle four more years of Bush policies.

He is a unique figure in U.S. history, who–win or lose– will be a reference point for how America evolved in the early 21st century.

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