Sunday, June 29, 2008

Where do you keep your money?

When the stock market, housing market, bond market, real estate market goes down. One question that everyone's mind is, what to do with the money I saved and where should I keep?

Here is the possible ways people do it with outcome:

Hard cash, stuff it under your mattress: If nobody steals it, over the long haul inflation will destroy the value of your money.

You could buy CDs or invest in a money market fund: After inflation you will do just a little better than hiding the money in your mattress.

You could buy bonds: You stay just ahead of inflation, with very little capital appreciation potential.

You could buy real estate: You subject yourself to the unpredictable situation of the real estate market and take a huge risk for a very uncertain return.

You could give it to a hedge fund operator or invest in an actively managed mutual fund:
80% chance you will lag the performance of most good passive strategies.

You could buy individual stocks: You subject yourself to uncompensated risk, which probably results in under performance.

You could attempt to time the market: You will fail like all the other poor saps that think they can do it.

You could stay the course: Eventually your perseverance will most likely be rewarded by returns that exceed those of all other commonly known investment strategies.

The problem with all the other potential strategies is that none have been demonstrated to be superior to your strategy. So, hang in there, time is on your side and you will succeed.
Also, stop listening to the market reports, they aren't providing you with any useful decision making information; they are just fueling your angst.

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