Saturday, October 18, 2008

Healthy Living

For last few decade, when manufacturing jobs move abroad, the obesity level became high for an average American. Now our economy is only 20% manufacturing and 80% service based job. This makes us physical activity less than required. On top of that TV, Games, Internet make you sit in one place for hours and hours. Because of this - Corporate America found very good business Exercise related and Diet Food.

When I went to cruise this summer, I learn few thing in the seminar they gave. There are three things important for the good health. 1. Food, 2. Exercise and 3. Internal Health. While you see many commercials and products related to first two category but no one talk about the Internal Health.

1. Food - Food is important for your body either vegetables, meats, or water. The time, amount and what type of the food we take plays significant role. They were saying we should have more breakfast, less lunch and light dinner. I guess it change with the time. since we do lot less labor work. We should avoid the toxic substances such as Prescription/OTC medications, Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Preserved sugar, soda, frozen food etc. Preserved sugar is very dangerous and many people does not realize it. It is used in diet coke/pepsi. This toxic substances over the time raise the acid level ( called ph) in the body. When we born we have we have ph level of around 6.7. The diet coke has ph level of 1.7. When we consume this toxic substances the ph level go way below 5. Eventually, this bring lot of problem in our body including cancer. The reduce the acid level in the body, eat more alkaline food. One of the best alakline food is Sea Weed.

2. Exercise: Since we do very few physical activity, they says need to do 30-45 minutes a day for 5 days and other 2 days to recover the body. The time is also important early in the morning compare to during afternoon or late evenings.

3. Internal Health - To improve this you have to control the type of food you eat and air you breath. The liver play important part in this like - filtering the toxic sustances. It detoxifies the poisionesous chemical such as alcohol, drugs etc. It store the tonic substance such as iron reserver, vitamins, mineral, energy and control the sugar. It manufacture the blood. It deferes the germs going into the body. But, if you dring, eat too much of this, it cannot handle. The worst part is it won't warn you like heart or kideny. When you detect the problem in lever, it is too late. So Internal Health i.e. detoxification plays important role to become healthy.

The secret behind the flat tummy is not food or exercise but balanced ph level.

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