Thursday, October 02, 2008

Worst Vice-Presidential Candidate Ever

Generally I do not like to talk politics, because I hate all of them. But with the selection of our Vice President Candidate Sarah Palin, I cannot resist. We saw dollar declining, our (USA) status being strong declining, performance in sports declining (e.g. Olympic medals), Financial Power declining, Military power declining, and now leadership. I cannot stand the declining of our Leadership. Leadership is very important for the success of our country.

Looking at Sarah Palin, I would rate George W Bush better. It seems like she does not know anything except raising the kids; even their she did not do a good job, as her 17-year old daughter is pregnant. The only good part about her is her "Glasses". She is a total joke, she doesn’t answer questions. Simply because she doesn’t know the answers. Totally out of her league, she has no idea about anything at all. A disgrace to America, a disgrace to the world. The only thing she knows about the foreign policy is she can see Russia from her window. She read all the newspaper but she cannot name them. We cannot let her to be our vice president. And being Mccain very old and can get heart attack any time; she is going to be our President! I don't want to see that day. I think she is not qualified for this position. If Republican are smart enough they should pull her out as soon as possible. I think she knows it and she should step down. Being Governor of State with less than half million population does not qualify for the president.

The worst day is when McCain elected and by any chance Sarah Palin become President. I mean there is nothing worst can happen to USA than her being President.

God Bless America.

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