Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bravo! Ron Paul

In the GOP Presidential Debate there was something unusual happened. Republican Congress men Sam Paul stand out and blame US Foreign Policy for the 9/11 attack. Actually he has not said anything new, it was already there in the 9/11 Commission Report and CIA Report. Here is the executive summary of it. He said brilliantly in his answer that 9/11 event would not have occurred if we did not have our base in Middle East. Our base now in Iraq is more than the Vetican City. Further he said that What if China want to build base on our country what do we do? He also said that we make Bin Landen very happy by sending troop to Iraq. That make him very easy to kill American (so far 3400 troop killed) than attack in US. Rudy Giuliani was very upset and angry about it, he acted like he is president of GOP (is he?) and he asked to take the statement back, and he didn't.

Another topic, he said that he get rid of lot of extra taxes, one he mention inflation tax. He said, we are printing money for the war and give the money to wall street. So this will increase inflation where rich getting richer and poor getting poor.

Most of the American will hate him but to me his every answer was great.

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