Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dr. Nissen is God

Is pharmaceutical company devil? Not for the patient who suffer the diesesase. In fact, they do the business, they are capitalist. They hide the real information. They won't produce the drug if then don't make money. No offence with that though. Problem is they lie, and they lie again and again about the durg facts. So who are they Merk, Johnson and Johnson, Bristol Myer, Pfizer, and now Glaxo, basically whole industry work like that way.

Recently, Dr. Nissen has pointed out that the drug called "Avandia" has a risk of Heart Attack, while treating the Diabetes. My mother takes this drug, I asked her to stop taking it and take alternative after his report in medical journal. Thanks Dr.Nissen. Glaxo-Smithkline, producer of Avandia, denied such report.

Earlier he warned for Vioxx (later Merck agreed), Pargluva, Natrecor, and few more. He and his team making interesting study about how drug affect our body. Dr. Nissen has a strong record as an early and ultimately accurate critic on drug safety.

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