Monday, May 14, 2007

Do something better than it's been done before

Yes that's (one of ) the formula to become wealthy according to Smart money article. Human basic characteristics are to protect, collaborate and to become adaptable. Those who don't cannot survive. Well, I don't mean we die soon but we live measurably. This theory can also apply to individual to become successful. We all do work everyday, sometimes same thing. Then, we should ask the question, "Have I done better than it has been done before?" If we cannot answer most probably we don't. If we can answer we are on track of increasing the productivity. Productivity is the measure of increase in the wealth. It is a the leading indication, you can see what will happen. IMO, wealth does not necessarily means money. But its the term I use for happiness. Money make you happy but that's not only thing make you happy. Does it influence? Sure it is. Anyway, other thing we need is the openness, don't think we are right, because most of the time we are not. If you stop listening different opinion you cannot grow your brain your thinking will never change. You cannot do better solely on your thinking you constantly need input in your brain and learn from the past.

This is what Charles Darwin says "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. "

And this is what Benjamin Franklin says

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

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