Monday, June 09, 2008

Why inflation is bad?

Inflation is caused when demand increases relative to the supply of goods. In United States, Inflation is usually coming from the Geopolitics and Lower Currency (dollar).

Let's take an examplie of inflation in Oil; it usually comes through Geopolitical risks of the commodity, which control the supply. For instnace, Mr Chavez does not want to supply and tighten the grip on foreign partner, a likelyness of Israel strike on Iran. So the supply shortage from this event shrink and Saudi Arabia or Russian cannot make it up, as a result price go higher and hence inflation.

The weak dollar also contributes to the Inflation. Commodities such as Gold, Grain, goes up when dollar falls and you sill see the price increase (inflation) in related products. Why weak dollar is a sperate topic to talk later.

Both of the above examples (largely oil) will eventually make price of other goods and services higher. Oil has significant impact on Transportation (and Travel) industry, which is backbone of the American Economy. In short time you may not see the impact, but gradually you will see the prices will go up everywhere due the rise in oil price.

So why is inflation matters? Inflation has a certainly more effect on your investments. If more inflation means higher interest rate, and that make borrowing cost more, which turn less profit for company. It certainly freaks old people who are retired or near the retirement, because they have a fixed income. It will kill them.

Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money. If inflation is 4% then in 7 years the purchasing power of 100k can reduce to 81k. So if you cannot make 19k more in 7 year (after tax) then you forced to reduce your lifestyle. If the inflation rate is higher in the future, a higher investment return will be required to maintain or increase the purchasing power of a portfolio.

The only benefit with the high

er inflation is when you have larger mortgage with lower interest rate. You pay the same amount with cheaper dollar. That is the reason why you should not pay off the mortgage.

1 comment:

Markus Allen said...

Umesh... are you the owner of the new website at: